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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mood Music Hits A New Level With Kokoro

While the cool apps may all be for iPhone users, here's some sweet new hardware for your iPod. Designed by NYU student Anaid Gomez Ortigoza, this device dubbed the Kokoro or "heart of things", allows your iPod to read your mood and tailor your playlist accordingly. The device uses a Polar heart rate monitor to measure your pulse and then selects your songs based on the speed of your heart.The Kokoro would be the perfect companion for exercising because there's nothing worse than being in the middle of a vigorous run or bike ride when Rod Stewart's hideous voice comes crackling through your earbuds and totally kills your mojo. Don't worry yourself about why Rod the Mod is on the iPod in the first place, and instead, rely on your Kokoro to eliminate the need to stop, fumble around and manually fast forward through the garbage to get back to your workout stash. You'll be automatically treated to something upbeat and fast tempo so long as you keep moving. Air Supply need not apply until your cool down lap.

via: Rocketboom and DVICE

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