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Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Zodiac Calendar v1.0.10080904

Be organized. Follow your stars. My Zodiac Calendar gives you the best of both worlds.My Zodiac Calendar is a fully featured calendar and an astrology companion at the same time. Its unique characteristic is the zodiac based calendar view that divides and navigates the calendar in accordance with horoscope signs. For any selected date the program shows its sign, position of planets and moon phase. As an additional reference a general description is included for each sign of the zodiac. In terms of an organizer, My Zodiac Calendar will keep track of your appointments, allow you to set reminders and recurrence patterns, and let you assign different entries to different data layers. You can also make the program connect directly with your calendar in Outlook through a special data layer. Other notable calendaring features include a manageable list of tasks and a scribble panel where you can write some quick notes.Shows you the horoscope sign and position of planets for any selected date. Unique feature: use the calendar in a special zodiac view. Keeps track of all your appointments, recurring events and tasks. Allows you to set reminders and scribble quick notes. Shows you the moon phase, an approximate lunar image and information on other events in the near future/past for any selected date.

Size : 6.83 MB


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